Ozone Generator Buying Guide
If you're a homeowner and your home has recently suffered water damage, smoke damage, mold infestation, or the dreaded "smell of death" from an expired rodent in a crawl space, then you've probably read that an ozone generator might just be the answer to your problems. However, with so many different types of ozone machines on the market, how is one to deciPh Meter, they produced 3000-5000 mg/h. That's quite a big difference between what is actually being produced and what is being claimed. How then can you make sure the ozone generator you purchase is actually producing the amount of ozone being advertised? Simple! Ask the vendor the following questions in an email (future fodder for a 100% money back should you test the machine and find the information provided wasincorrect)
QUESTION # 1. How Many Volts is the Power Supply! An ozone generator creates ozone by creating an electrical spark that splits oxygen in the Air. In order to accomplish this feat, you have to create a high volTAGe electrical spark. A simple rule I've observed in the lab and well recognized in the ozone industry is that a 3000 volt transformer can produce around 3000 mg/h of ozone per hour when attached to a high volTAGe ozone eleMent or six or more MICA plates at 40% humidity or less. Each Mica plate can produce a maximum of about 400 milligrams of ozone per hour IF it is properly installed due to the weak electrical spark it is capable of generating from the wire mesh. If you own a MICA plate ozone generator, view the plate in the dark. Enwon't light up very bright, very Y6 1999 as a matter of fact. The types of ozone plates that turn bright purple in the dark are called "High VolTAGe Ozone EleMents" and they can produce around 3000-4000 mgh to plate when fed with a 3000-4000 volt power transformer. These types of plates glow purple, almost like UV lamp, in the dark. They created a very strong electrical spark that is much more efficient at producing ozone vs. the old fashioned MICA plates. As a matter of fact to 4000 volt transformer and ozone element only uses about 35 watts of electricity, now that's efficient! Therefore, Tip # 1 is to ask the vendor to e-mail you in writing the exact volTAGe, amps, and watts used by their power transformers and how many and which type of ozone plates their machines use. If a vendorclaims for instance their machine produces 16 to 20 thousand milligrams of ozone per hour but their machine only uses one 5000 volt transformer, then you'll things just don't add up.
QUESTION # 2. What type of element does the ozone ozone machine use? Believe it or not, some vendors will try and convince you that the ozone elements in their machines are "permanent" and will last forever. Folks, there's no such thing as a permanent ozone plate! If used in 90-100% humidity, even the expensive high voltage ozone plates will only last 20-40 hours. Ozone generators are not made to be used in 90% plus humidity! In humid areas, you must run the Air conditioning or a dehumidifier in order to perform a shock treatment. Tip # 2 therefore is to think twice before buyingan ozone generator from a vendor who doesn't offer replacement ozone plates or makes a machine that Uniface utilized "MICA" plates.
Once you have those answers in writing, save the email in case you need to use it to obtain a refund in the future. When you receive your ozone generator, have a local electrician friend of the family (or hire someone) to open your ozone generator and give it the once over and test the strength (volts) of the power transformer. If you discover the stated voltage doesn't match the advertised voltage, ask for a refund. After all, what you're buying when you buy an ozone generator are high voltage power transformers, not a slick sales pitch! The honest vendors will clearly state their machines specifications on their websitesand by email if asked. They'll also provide you with a picture of the inside of their units and disclose the amount of plates, type used, etc. You should be weary of vendors who hold this information close to the vest or refuse to go on the record with this information.
Now you know what questions to ask an ozone machine vendor before making a purchase. I want to close out this "Ozone Generator Buying Guide" by giving you a few tips on how to save money on your purchase:
Ozone Generator Buying Guide
Ozone Generator Buying Guide
Ozone Generator Buying Guide
Ozone Generator Buying Guide Ozone Generator Buying Guide
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